Current Projects
Moscow Flower Show
It is a great honour and pleasure to have been invited back to the Moscow Flower Show 2014.
This excitingly fresh and vibrant event is rapidly making its mark on gardening communities across the world for its imaginative ideas, people and atmosphere.
This year Caspian Gardens shall be staging two show gardens: "Memories of an Edwardian Garden" and "Paint the Roses Red".

Memories of an Edwardian Garden
"Memories of an Edwardian Garden" represents an officer’s fond recollections during the Great War. It reflects an other-worldly, stylised space - his idealised reminiscences of home.
Taking inspiration from the great Edwardian period of Garden Design, it exhibits subtle asymmetry and strong linear runs, and is symbolic of the end of this elegant era with its distinctive sentiments and style of design.
The glass panels that depict adaptations of popular songs and poetry of the 1st World War encircle the garden. They embrace the over-riding theme of the period – that of a deep longing for home and loved ones.
The garden is part of a larger project to bring history alive with meaning and relevance, and visitors can help us create a valuable and unique learning resource by contributing their thoughts, songs and historical memories to the SongTrees Memory Bank. Simply visit www.songtrees.com.
After the show an identical partnered garden will be built at the Ellen's Green Memorial Hall, Surrey, United Kingdom, where people of all ages will learn of the Russian sacrifices of the Great War to strengthen our shared heritage in this year of Russian-UK Culture.

Paint the Roses Red
You are cordially invited to the Mad Hatter's Unbirthday Tea Party at this Alice in Wonderland-inspired garden.
“Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.
"I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone, "so I can't take more."
"You mean you can't take less," said the Hatter: "It's very easy to take more than nothing."
-Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,1865.